24 September 2010


This is the big box of clothing that arrived on my doorstep yesterday. I was actually giddy when the UPS man left it on my doorstep, having gotten to the point where there is barely anything in my closet actually fits anymore. A few sweaters, a couple of polos, and a great cardigan. I tried the sweater on: too big. All of the clothing, save for a polo I had ordered in medium, was too big. I have never been a medium. Ever. 

It was a bit of a boost, really, although it's sad to send the box back and wait for their replacements. 

22 September 2010

Linky Love: Bad Blogger Edition

Indiana can't seem to make up its mind: does it want to be summer or fall? I forget, every single year, how long the summer waits it out here. While I'm jonesing for sweaters and hats, the climate has a very different idea. The semester is in full swing, but no semester like I've ever known. There are no classes: just meetings and writing and perhaps even a little procrastination. I'm in high gear now, however, as my data collection is set to begin in, oh, t-minus four weeks. Yikes! 

I don't have an actual post, so I will leave you with some links: 

Even though I haven't finished the first pattern I bought, I'm excited at the prospect of there being more Gera designs coming in October. She's kitschy and fun and well worth the money, methinks. 

I totally dig Palladium's series on Detroit, Detroit Lives. There are some pretty amazing things doing on in that city. 

Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.

I'm all about this retelling of Little Red Riding Hood.

This could very well be the longest scarf EVER.

10 September 2010

Linky Love: Randomness Edition

Not going to lie: I did fall in love with New Orleans when I was there last weekend. It never really felt like a city people actually lived in and much more like Disney World. I felt the same way about Venice, Italy. Regardless, I did happen to find my way into The Quarter Stitch, the yarn store in the French quarter, and snapped this photo of their needwork yarns beautifully displayed on the wall behind their counter. I was tempted to buy a canvas but resisted. I don't need another project. (I am still, however, very much in love with these Charley Harper needlepoint pieces... one day.) 

In project finishing anticipation, Carrie Strine's blog has given me the inspiration to finish up some of the holiday sewing I've been putting off. This particular picture sealed the deal. Now to see if I can follow Anna Maria's directions and get some quilting done... 

Cornelia Fine's new book, Delusions of Gender, is on my list of things to read in my free time, whenever that happens to be. Salon has an article here that is both enlightening and fun. 

In other book news, I finished Julian Comstock on the very long plane ride some (Thank you, Hermine) and found it delightful. 

Hungover Owls will most definitely get you kicked out of the library for guffawage. Or perhaps that is just me. 

Strangely, it's the weekend already. I'm not quite sure I'm ready for it. I didn't get all I needed to get done during the week... 

03 September 2010

Off for the weekend

Off to Baton Rouge for the weekend. Only bringing two skeins of yarn with me, but this is the beginning of the holiday knitting.

01 September 2010

Kind of in Love

Life is so much better when edits are written in turquoise Stabilo. I'm actually all kinds of in love with turquoise at the moment, seemingly behind the curve. It figures. I never caught onto anything until it's almost cliche anyway. I'm okay with it.