23 June 2011



Legion Memories

Bingo Night at the Legion

I should be packing. I should be working on some of the writing deadlines coming up. I should be, I should be, I should be. 

And for the most part, I am. 

I've been waking up every morning and scooting off to the coffee shop to write before I can think any better of it, alternating between my writing for other people and writing for myself. I've been writing the stories I think will make up my dissertation and I think I might actually have something to write about. Something solid, something that might actually be useful. 



I've also found some time for fun. Not much, but just enough. Exhibit A: Bingo. Tuesday night bingo at the local American Legion - and I won! So did four other people, making our winnings equal to the cost of our pack of cards and an ice cream for the Manfriend and I afterward. 

Too much fun and pretty much like high school: who has what markers? The caller? Totally like the prom queen. It was totally nostalgic, too - my Gram was involved in the VFW for years and I remember sitting in the hall during bingo, too young to play, drawing in one of those notepads she always had on her. 

And tonight: celebrating the newly-minted Dr. Lee with fancy adult beverages! 

And after: more packing! 

Exciting life, no? 

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